A Trusted Anesthesia Services Provider
Steel City Anesthesia LLC is an anesthesia provider committed to health care integrity and the highest patient satisfaction. We have a successful track record of almost two decades providing clinically safe outpatient anesthesia to hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers (ASC),and doctors with office-based anesthesia in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and other states across the U.S
SCA Features & Benefits
Some ambulatory centers just don’t have enough surgical staff or anesthesia providers to meet their needs. SCA’s anesthesia providers fulfill this outpatient anesthesia need. Our services reduce the physician’s stress of managing the patient’s airway and hemodynamics, allowing him/her to focus more on the procedure. In fact, the duration of difficult colonoscopies can be reduced by up to half, thus resulting in more efficient utilization of your facility and physician’s time.
Many ASCs and doctors handling office-based anesthesia procedures are overwhelmed by the idea of converting to an anesthesia care model or upgrading their services. We have the expertise in the latest techniques and the credentials to ensure a smooth transition.
Sedation can take longer than monitored anesthesia (3-4 minutes versus less than 15 seconds) and might not be effective if the case becomes complicated. Ask us to set up your outpatient anesthesia and we’ll make available our certified anesthesia providers at no cost to your center.
Anesthesia outsourcing is a valuable and cost-effective resource for ASCs and office-based procedures. It reduces your staffing costs as well as your liabilities. Anesthesia services are paid for by the patient’s insurance provider, not by your medical center. In addition, the use of anesthesia providers like Steel City Anesthesia decreases and/or removes the liability for you with regard to sedating a patient.
Clinical perspectives in anesthesia indicate more positive patient outcomes for surgery centers that lay emphasis on patient safety and pain free procedures
For instance, by FDA package labeling requirements, propofol must be administered by a licensed CRNA or anesthesiologist. Even office-based anesthesia needs to be administered by a CRNA. Don’t put your patients or medical center at risk by getting an RN to administer sedation! It can mean the difference between life and death, and a malpractice lawsuit. Healthcare integrity is at the core of our business model. Our anesthesiologists and CRNAs employ stringent infection control procedures to minimize the risk of contracting diseases like HIV and Hepatitis B.
Steel City Anesthesia provides valuable assistance with important, professional third party accreditations like JCAHO (Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) and AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities). Many State Departments of Health including Pennsylvania and Ohio require these credentials to ensure quality patient care. Additionally, 3rd party accreditations are now also required for approval by major health insurance companies like Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Medicare and more.
Although your surgery team members are not directly involved with administering anesthesia, it is important for them to understand the workings of anesthesia and the value of pain free procedures and superior patient safety. Our anesthesia care model also focuses on surgical staff education and a team approach to ensuring quality healthcare. We provide full training on anesthesia, infectious control, and BLS and ACLS certification as well.
Every physician has specific work habits. We try to match our anesthesia providers as per your physicians’ requirements and practice-related preferences. We offer both CRNAs and anesthesiologists depending on your preference, and are happy to undertake special requests as well. Your physicians can log in to our online scheduling system to learn which anesthesia provider has been assigned to your ASC. We do our best to assign providers who are local residents of the area, and are familiar with your team of surgeons and physicians, and your medical center.
Outpatient anesthesia is extremely cost-effective because it improves patient flow and revenue. We are able to induce sleep in less than 15 seconds in a safe and painless manner. Fewer or no side effects encourages faster recovery. This means that patients will spend a shorter time at your facility and you will have room for more. Facilities who choose Steel City Anesthesia experience an average increase in volume of 120% through the combined efforts of the center and our staff. By partnering with Steel City Anesthesia, facilities have seen a minimum increase of 75% in patient volume, as well as volumes increasing as high as 275% in some cases.
Anesthesia coverage increases patient satisfaction. This translates into more income because patients are more likely to give referrals and/or come back for follow-up procedures. Take advantage of our access to patient surveys and operative reports to improve your facilities.